My name is Nathan Faleatua, I am 23 years old and I am married to the love of my life, Synthea Faleatua. Our wedding at the end of 2020 was the best day of our lives and straight after the honeymoon we moved straight into our first house.

I studied a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting and Finance at the University of Auckland. While studying I worked a part time job at the local cinemas and that’s where I started practising good money habits. Nowadays I am working at New Zealand’s biggest company, ANZ and recently got promoted to Senior Finance Analyst and I’m glad to say that the money lessons I learnt from day one are still relevant.

I like to set and achieve eccentric goals like learning 7 different instruments or replacing my wife’s job and now my focus is to live above money and share my journey as I do it.

To master money in every aspect, make it work for me, and share my journey to help millions of others achieve the same freedom. 

This journey will take me beyond the simple idea of “making more money” and push through areas such as money management even on minimum wage, resilience and character building, and new mindsets to eventually arrive at a lifestyle of true wealth and complete freedom above money, time, location, you name it!